Pancreatic cancer is a major cause of US cancer death. It has risk factors that are preventable, such as cigarette smoking, excess weight, type 2 diabetes, excessive alcohol use and diabetes (Pernick, How Pancreatic Cancer Arises Based on Complexity Theory, 2021). It also has risk factors that are not, such as having blood groups A, B or AB (i.e. not O). This abstract discusses random chronic stress or bad luck, another major cause of pancreatic cancer that is not preventable (Curing Cancer Blog – Part 7 – Random Chronic Stress), which is also a major cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers (Pernick, How Lung Cancer Arises, Based on Complexity Theory, 2021).
This subject was discussed in the abstract below, which was not accepted at a recent conference. Although disappointing, the advantage of this rejection is that I can publish it without any restrictions. The full paper is at I welcome your comments to
To continue, see: Random Chronic Stress Is a Major Cause of Pancreatic Cancer - abstract (link), Blog, PDF.
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