Anti-abortion laws continue to endanger the lives of girls and women by diminishing the number of trainees and likely practicing OB-GYNs in these states,
Of course, individual girls or women may decide that, based on their religious beliefs, they want their medical care guided by strict Catholic or other religious teachings, even at the risk of their lives. However, the United States does not have a national religion. This means we are free to practice our own religious beliefs or none at all and cannot be forced to adhere to the religious beliefs of others. In this spirit, and based on federal law, an Idaho federal judge recently ruled that physicians can do abortions if, in their judgment, it is necessary to save their patients' lives, regardless of state law,
I believe that medical care of girls and women will get worse in anti-abortion states as "fertilized egg personhood" laws are passed and enforced, which will affect care for all girls and women ages 9 to 59, whether pregnant or not,
As a pathologist, and in collaboration with 1500+ other Michigan health care professionals, I urge voters to vote YES on Michigan's Proposal 3 on November 8, 2022 to guarantee the right to abortion to Michigan girls and women, .