Tuesday, October 16, 2018

16 October 2018: Kosher / vegetarian Detroit

What kosher or vegetarian restaurants are in the Metro Detroit area? I have compiled a list, updated regularly, at http://www.myjewishdetroit.com. New vegetarian restaurants include: Chili Mustard Onions (vegan), 3411 Brush Street, (313) 649-2759, https://www.facebook.com/chilimustardonions Neehee's Indian Vegetarian Street Food (vegetarian), 45656 Ford Road, Canton, 734-737-9777; 4924 Rochester Road, Troy, 248-250-6335, http://www.neehees.com The Garden Asian Vegetarian Cuisine (vegetarian), 2156 Wyandotte Street West, Windsor, Ontario (Canada), (519) 915-5566, http://www.thegardenwindsor.com Let me know of any updates at NatPernick@gmail.com.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

13 October 2018: How Lung Cancer Arises based on Complexity Theory

I am presenting a paper at the College of American Pathologists Annual Meeting, How Cancer Arises Based on Complexity Theory. Useful links - AbstracttablePosterAll abstracts - see Session 400, Poster No. 36