Tuesday, May 17, 2022

17 May 2022: Mental Health Awareness Month

May is mental health awareness month. This message is from the Michigan Dept of Health & Human Services:

Monday, May 16, 2022

16 May 2022: Another threat to the health of women and girls

I find these articles to be disturbing:

* Abortion foes push to narrow ‘life of mother’ exceptions,

* What the “Life of the Mother” Might Mean in a Post-Roe America, https://www.newyorker.com/science/annals-of-medicine/what-the-life-of-the-mother-might-mean-in-a-post-roe-america

We want our physicians to be focused on what is in the best interest of the patient. Health care becomes more dangerous to patients when physicians must also consider possible criminal prosecution, loss of their medical license or loss of hospital privileges for providing optimal care to their patients.

For those of us who place primary importance on the health of the women and girls in our life or in society, I think we need to get more involved politically, in some way. I am circulating the petition for the Michigan Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative, https://mireproductivefreedom.org/, and urge all who care about this issue to get more involved, in some way. What are you doing?
