Tuesday, June 1, 2021

1 June 2021: The importance of systemic networks in cancer treatment


Cancer is a systemic disease. This means it is important to treat not just the obvious tumor
mass but also the systemic cellular networks that nurture the tumor. Surprisingly, most
cancer treatment plans ignore the systemic networks.
Targeting systemic tumor networks will be difficult, requiring combinations of combinations of
therapy. We will need different therapeutic strategies for the primary tumor and many of the
systemic networks. Each type of therapy may need to consist of combinations of treatments
to block a sufficient number of steps in the web-like pathways that exist for each cellular
This subject was discussed in the abstract below, which was not accepted at a recent
conference. Although disappointing, the advantage of this rejection is that I can publish it
now without any copyright restrictions. The full paper is at
Rest of article - PDF, HTML, Blog
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